Thursday, July 31, 2008
Worship at Copper Mountain
Here's who is in the band:
Tifah, the lead singer. The band was originally called Tifah, actually. But then it got all confusing when someone would shout, "Hey, Tifah" but they were talking to the band and not to Tifah individually, and then Tifah would say "Yeah?" and the person would say, "No, I'm talking to the whole band."
Tifah also plays various instruments, keyboard and guitar mostly. Tifah has a deep love for Christ and it's very clear in the lyrics she writes and the unselfish and Christ-focused way that she leads worship.
This is Reid. Reid plays the... I forget which instrument. Banjo or something? It's unclear to me looking at that picture. Reid always tries to make sure not to look into the camera.
It's Reid's birthday while we're all together in Copper, so be sure to tell him happy birthday every day you see him. Reid is a careful thinker and a loyal friend. You can tell people around him trust him deeply, and in many ways he shows his deep commitment to others and to God in the way he interacts with the band and his passion to lead others toward Christ.
Lastly, we have Dann the Drummer. I think Dann can do more pushups than the rest of the band, and this makes sense because BBC research shows that drummers are the athletes of the music world. Dann has a wacky sense of humor and tries to hide the intellectual books he reads, because it projects an image that is ill-befitting a rock star. Dann loves his bandmates, and he loves God, too. If you hang out with him it won't be long before he is telling you this himself. He's a great guy who wants very much for people to know and understand who God is.
I know you'll enjoy The Autumn Film while we're together in Colorado. They are excited about what you are doing as stinters, and they love to hang out. Be sure to grab some time with them between sets or during the free time.
When I spoke with them yesterday, they wanted to make sure you knew that they've made eight of their songs available for free download (DRM free and in formats for iPod, Zune, or the MP3 player of your choice). Four of the songs are from their latest album and the other four are from the album they're currently working on. So download those and get a preview of the great music and worship we're in for at Copper Mountain!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
WSN Interview: Chip Scivicque (part two)
WSN: So I’m sure you’ve heard the St. Francis quote, “Share the gospel with everyone, if necessary use words.” Would you say that’s the same thing or taking it too far?
CHIP: The best way to communicate the message is in word and deed, mixed together, blended together appropriately so that we can respond the way that Jesus did when the friends of the paralytic let him down in front of Jesus. If you read the account of the friends of the paralytic, they tore a hole in the roof and lowered him down in front of Jesus because they couldn’t get to him because of the crowd. That man had two pressing needs. One, he must have needed forgiveness, because that’s what Jesus gave him. That’s where Jesus started. “Your sins are forgiven.” The man also needed to be healed of his paralysis. And it says that Jesus seeing their faith, he responded to that by healing him. But there’s no indication that Jesus wrestled with, “Well, should I share how he can be forgiven and know God even though he’s a paralytic, or do I heal him and hope he gets it, that I’m God and I can save him.” He did both. He touched his human need and healed him of his paralysis and he spoke words of forgiveness.
WSN: I imagine some people would hear what you’re saying and say, “This is a great new evangelism technique. I can do something nice for someone and then they’ll listen to the gospel.” What would your response be to someone like that?
CHIP: Eric Swanson says that when we’re feeding human need, if it’s refurbishing a school, doing renewal in the community, or working at a soup kitchen or working in an orphanage, “Salvation is always our ultimate motive but it’s never our ulterior motive.” Of course we want to see people come to know Christ and be redeemed and live forever. That’s so much bigger than whatever human need they have. But we don’t do good deeds as a means to an end to share the message and chalk up how many people we shared the message with and how many decisions we got and how many members we got into our group. That’s not Christian.
CHIP: Exactly. When they saw Christians serving sacrificially and when they saw them up to their ankles in nasty, moldy mud in
WSN: How did this happen in your own life, how did the paradigm shift happen for you?
CHIP: Several factors converged. By God’s grace he’s given me a love for the Bible. I’ve read it over and over. For most of my life I’ve tried to read the Bible through every year. And as you read the scripture, it is so obvious that God cares about widows and orphans. Prophets always are condemning
Number two, we went to
The biggest thing in
WSN: Wow.
CHIP: So obviously the gospel has not been experienced as something powerful or effective in
WSN: And then the tsunami hit….
CHIP: When the tsunami hit we did begin to put those things together. And it’s been phenomenal. In the hardest hit
WSN: That’s pretty amazing.
CHIP: It really is. My buddy Mike Christians led a park ranger to Christ that has gone on in his faith and is still walking with him two years later. This guy received Christ with tears rolling down his cheeks and then turned around and shared with his friends and family and Mike said, “I’ve been here for twenty-five years and I’ve never, ever seen a Thai respond to the gospel the way this man did.”
WSN: I guess it does show that we’ve been presenting these different pieces of the gospel, but not the whole thing. And the whole thing put together is pretty compelling.
CHIP: It really is. I was talking with my friend Jay Lorenzen about this one day and he said, “I guess we as Christians have to bear the weight of the gospel’s implications before our message has any power.” That is so true. The gospel’s about a great God who condescended and came down to man not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. That’s what the good news is. So when we live that out, when we lower ourselves and humble our upper-middle class white selves (or whoever we are in the world) and go anywhere not to be served but to serve and to spend and be spent on behalf of the people’s needs and tell them the gospel as we go, it does become a really powerful thing.
WSN Interview: Chip Scivicque (part one)
Our Bible teacher at the Global Briefing is Chip Scivicque.
Chip has been on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ for thirty-two years. He served for two years at “Ole Miss” before moving on to direct the ministry in
WSN: As if world evangelization wasn’t enough, now Crusade wants to be a humanitarian organization?
CHIP: We don’t want to become a humanitarian aid organization, but continue to be who we are. Students are our target and the proclamation of the gospel is our lead foot, but--and here is the operative phrase--we want to weave the compassionate works and words of the gospel into the fabric of the campus ministry.
WSN: This sounds like a pretty major paradigm shift.
CHIP: Well, yeah, it is a major paradigm shift and I think it’s a lot bigger than Crusade. All of Evangelicalism was born in the 50s (pretty much). Theological liberalism had really swept the Protestant church and the great majority of Protestant Christians rejected the miraculous and the supernatural and removed that from scripture. Their approach to scripture was, “If I can’t prove it scientifically, then it must not be true.” So they rejected the virgin birth and the miracles of Christ and the bodily resurrection and a literal second coming and Christ became a good teacher rather than a savior and a redeemer and the Son of the Living God. When they did that the gospel message really had no power to redeem and to save mankind. They were left with the teacher’s advice to love your enemy, turn the other cheek, feed the hungry, take care of widows and orphans and in their minds, evangelism and missions became mercy ministry. Evangelicalism was born, and one of the things at the heart of it was belief in the inerrancy of scripture, that it’s the inspired word of God.
So Evangelicalism was born in this sea of theological Liberalism where there was almost nothing but mercy ministry with no gospel proclamation. We said, “Wow. If you feed someone or build a home for them or make their life better or heal them of their sickness and then they die and go to hell, what good did you do them?” A false dichotomy was created, that there’s either mercy ministry with no proclamation or proclamation with no compassion demonstrated toward human need. So the shift that’s going on is huge. Evangelicals and Campus Crusade are realizing that it doesn’t have to be either/or, it should be both/and. So all Evangelicals, including Crusade, are trying to bring proclamation of the message into the context of demonstration, trying to share both the words and the works of the gospel.
WSN: So how do you answer the critics who say, “What does it matter if we mow people’s lawns and they still go to hell”?
CHIP: One, you need to realize that the gospel is not just a verbal message. The gospel is a person. It’s Jesus. And the good news about him encompassed everything about who he is or was when he was on earth and everything that he did and taught. It wasn’t just propositional truth. So as we share the gospel with people, we need to share it through who we are, and how we live, and what we say. The gospel was never just a verbal message.
Second, usually for people to understand the gospel they have to both hear it explained and see it lived out. The further a person is in their worldview from the Biblical worldview, the more true that is. I learned that in
Another realization a person like that needs to make is that we are not here to just get people into heaven. We’re here to get heaven onto earth. That’s what Jesus taught us to do. He taught us to pray “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” God wants his will done on earth as it is in heaven and Jesus taught us to pray and work in that direction. And so we are to try to expand and expend the loving way of Jesus Christ on earth in every way possible and every place possible so that heaven breaks into earth and people get a taste of it and they want to go there. That’s what we’re here to do. They hunger for heaven and the king of heaven and want to know him and spend eternity with him.
Look for part two of the interview tomorrow!
The Great Peruvian Guinea Pig Festival
Here's a great photo essay about the Peruvian festival of the guinea pigs, in which the little guys are dressed in fancy clothes, fattened up and then... eaten.
Warning: There are before and after pictures at the link above.